I love making things and breaking things, too. Most of my projects are currently on hold as I complete a master’s degree in Computer Science. Here’s a couple of older projects:

Il Pane - A Sourdough Hydration Calculator in C# for Windows

I wrote this simple bread dough hydration calculator in C# to replace a handy little iOS app that I used previously. The iOS app was not updated and eventually would no longer run on the current version of iOS. The application utilises a SQLite database to store recipes.

In the future I plan to use .NET to turn this into a multi platform mobile application. When time allows…

Il Pane on Github

T-Bay - A Django based Ebay Clone

Written to complete the Commerce challenge on Harvards online MOOC CS50 Web, this is my attempt at an ebay clone. While I feel quite comfortable using Python, this was my first attempt at using the Django framework. Good fun!

T Bay on Github


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